2019 is set to be the year of UK 5G. After plenty of anticipation, leading networks are almost ready to let UK 5G loose for both businesses and the public alike to make the most of. Since its early beginnings, mobile data has grown vastly to alter and enhance our daily lives. From changing the way we run our homes to altering how we operate our businesses, UK 5G is on track to continue this transformation in even more ways.
Leading networks are already announcing their release dates for UK 5G with many commencing their connectivity from as early as the summer and more networks tagging on before the year’s end. If you’ve been out of the loop, you might not realise that trials have already been taking place. Leading networks have been testing the waters in specifically chosen locations to iron out any issues before the full rollout of UK 5G.
The build-up to UK 5G hasn’t been a quick one, either. Unlike the launch of 4G, this upgrade needs a brand new infrastructure. New cellular masts have been built and smaller transmitters that will be located on street furniture and buildings will be installed, all with the necessary capabilities to deliver fast connectivity. When the time comes around, busier locations will be the first ones to take advantage of UK 5G, so it’s great news for business based in the country’s largest cities. Even for those who may need to wait a touch longer to start making the most of this new connectivity, now’s the time to start planning for the benefits.
Working out the difference
The technology world is constantly shouting about new upgrades available to systems and devices, with many only making a small difference in reality and passing the public by. As upgrades go, UK 5G is one that’s worth paying attention to.
Super speeds
The UK’s network top dogs have come a long way since mobile data first came into everyday use. Where 4G made heads turn with its then-impressive speeds, UK 5G is set to do just the same. This upgrade is predicted to have speeds 10, 20 or even 30 times as quick as its predecessor. All of a sudden, downloading a full HD movie will take under a minute.
Less latency
As a vital companion to network speed, latency is all about establishing just how long it takes to create a new connection. UK 5G is hailed to have a latency that’s almost non-existent. With near instantaneous reactions, delays are due to become a thing of the past.
Coveted capacity
Making room for a growth in demand, UK 5G is bringing a greater capacity with its fast connectivity. By being able to support many more devices at once without bandwidth stumbling, this upgrade will allow users to continue their tasks in busy environments without a hitch.

Enjoying the business benefits of UK 5G
There’s no shying away from the fact that UK 5G will alter the way that businesses operate. Whilst change can be daunting for some, the possibilities of this transformation are exciting for your business to look forward to.
Better remote working
For many businesses, it’s becoming more and more normal to have teams that consistently work away from the office setting. Thanks to its exceptional speeds and greater capacity, UK 5G will mean that team members can take their work out and about with them and complete tasks on the go all the more effectively. Whether your team need to keep editing documents away from their desk or stream high-quality videos in meetings and events to share your business with potential clients, UK 5G will make these kinds of tasks more effortless. This upgrade’s bigger capacity will also let your team complete tasks on their list even when in crowded areas.
Enhanced efficiency
IoT has already made its mark in allowing businesses to reach new efficiencies that they didn’t think were possible, and UK 5G will take this a leap further. With a rise in the number of IoT devices set to follow the upgrade’s launch, the upgrade will welcome even more opportunities for efficiency. Take manufacturing, for example. A faster, more reliable connection with reduced latency will welcome better production speeds and quality, though that’s not all. With the ability for better remote control and monitoring, UK 5G is also being expected to allow for the mass production of customised goods, altering manufacturing as we know it.
A smarter working environment
The potential for embedding IoT within a business applies to its office environment as much as it does to its core functions. Bringing more possibilities for creating smart offices, UK 5G will pave the way for businesses to have an office space that can be tailored to the exact needs of their teams, helping productivity flow. From lighting to temperature levels, running a smart office also means greater efficiency for budgets to stretch further.
The benefits of UK 5G shared here are just the beginning. With plenty more opportunities to follow as the business world becomes more comfortable with the capabilities of this upgrade, this is the time to start planning ahead. From making sure you have 5G capable mobile devices for your team to add to their toolkit to offering bespoke guidance on making the most of being more connected, we’re here to support you in the long haul. Contact us to get ahead with your telecoms.